SPIDER January 2018
Cover art by Fernando Juarez
We all know “Rock, Scissors, Paper” but how many of us know Semut, Orang, Gajah? Do you know what to say when people sneeze in Nigeria? This exciting edition of SPIDER magazine introduces you to fun facts from all over!
With cute comics, playful poems, stellar stories, awesome art, and an intriguing introduction to international ideas, kids will devour SPIDER magazine from cover to cover! Discover a fantastic folktale, choice cupcakes, and a really cool craft that you can’t find anywhere else!
Enjoy features including:
- The Mountain Tops by Lizz Lunney
- Doodlebug & Dandelion by Pamela Dell
- Winter Embroidery by Peggy B. Leavitt
- My Brother Is a Rock by Danny Resner
- Semut, Orang, Gajah by Kelly Morrow
- Bumblebee Sweater by Rolli
- The Proper Way to Sneeze by Kimberly Tanner
- Buzzy Bumblebees by Anne Renaud
- Coyote and Fire by D.M. Souza
- Smells Like Chicken Noodle by Neal Levin
Regular features include Doodlebug & Dandelion, Fabulous Facts, Spider’s Corner, Spider’s Mailbox, Ophelia’s Last Word, Buggy Bulletin, The Fun Zone, Mind-Buggler, and Spider and the Gange.
Title :SPIDER January 2018
Author :Cricket Media