SPIDER March 2017

By (author)Cricket Media


SPIDER March 2017

Cover art by Pétur Antonsson

A town infested with dragons? A cat interviewing for jobs? A path appearing in the ocean? Anything is possible! Let your imagination take flight with this month’s weird and wonderful issue of SPIDER! Join Doodlebug and Dandelion as they try to beat their rude cousin at a “weirdest video” contest. Read Lewis Carroll’s nonsensical poem, “Jabberwocky,” then check out some more famous inventors of words. Make your own dragon magic with Ophelia’s “Rainbow Water” experiment, or cook up some Miro-approved dog biscuits, and enjoy this magical menagerie of stories, poems, and activities:

 “Hairdresser” by Anouk Ricard

“Jumping on the Bed” by Nadine Cranenburgh, art by Daniel Guidera

“Too Many Dragons” by Debbie Urbanski, art by Giovanni Abeille

“Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, art by Jani Orban

“Rhyme Time Riddlers” by Sharon R. Porterfield, art by Merrill Rainey

“Career Cat” by Irene A. Flores, art by Phoenix Chan

“Whisker-Lickin’ Doggo Biscuits” by S. Jackson, art by Thao Lam

“The Day the Sea Split” by Laura Boffa, art by Yoshiko Z. Jaeggi

Regular features include Doodlebug & Dandelion, Fabulous Facts, Spider’s Mailbox, Spider’s Corner, Ophelia’s Last Word, Buggy Bulletin, Mind-Buggler, Spider and the Gang, and the Fun Zone.

SPIDER March 2017 single back issue.

Title :SPIDER March 2017

Author :Cricket Media