Storytime Issue 29 - The Enormous Turnip


Storytime 29 has the beginning of an exciting new poetry series about animals set in a magical place called Alphabet Zoo, plus classic fairy tale The Enormous Turnip, a friendship fable, a clever duck, legendary Irish hero Finn MacCool, a woodland fairy and one of Rudyard Kipling’s brilliant Just So Stories!

Stories in this issue:

• The Enormous Turnip
• NEW! Alphabet Zoo
• The Elephant and the Dog
• King Duck
• The Salmon of Knowledge
• Betushka and the Wood Fairy
• The Beginning of the Armadillos by Rudyard Kipling

Storytime 29 has the beginning of an exciting new poetry series about animals set in a magical place called Alphabet Zoo, plus classic fairy tale The Enormous Turnip, a friendship fable, a clever duck, legendary Irish hero Finn MacCool, a woodland fairy and one of Rudyard Kipling’s brilliant Just So Stories!

Stories in this issue:

• The Enormous Turnip
• NEW! Alphabet Zoo
• The Elephant and the Dog
• King Duck
• The Salmon of Knowledge
• Betushka and the Wood Fairy
• The Beginning of the Armadillos by Rudyard Kipling

Title :Storytime Issue 29 - The Enormous Turnip

Author :Storytime Magazine